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Corporación Compartir's project management is based on inter-sector coordination processes at the local level, achieving the participation of several key actors from the public and private sectors, generating alliances for the implementation of projects in each of the inclusive development components.


Salud Proyectos

Community project on prevention, diseases and health promotion.

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Access to health services, collaborative work with the Ministry of Health, priority groups.


Access to rehabilitation services and assistive devices for people with disabilities.

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Safe home project, construction and improvement of housing for families in extreme poverty.


Inclusive community-based development project 2015-2018, CBM International cooperation project.


Project for the prevention of disabilities, PRENATAL for the adolescent population of educational institutions in the northwest sector of the city.


MY DAILY BREAKFAST project for children in extreme poverty in the Nueva Prosperina sector.


Community-based rehabilitation 2006 - 2014, Fortín de la Flor sector, cooperation project with Cbm international, focused on improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families, meeting their basic needs and ensuring their inclusion and participation.


Project RETURN TO SEE, 864 bilateral cataract surgeries were performed on low income population.


MI CANASTA Program, food security sponsorships to families with people with catastrophic diseases and disabilities.


In coordination with REDIMA, a project called PLAN ESPERANZA was implemented, benefiting 2236 pregnant and lactating mothers, 2,879 children with malnutrition and disabilities, providing medical care, medicines, diapers, milk, and nutritional supplements.


POPULAR DINING ROOM project for food security of the vulnerable population


Educación Proyectos
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Inclusive Education 2015-2020 project in cooperation with Mission Norwegian Alliance in Ecuador, promoting inclusive practices in the public education sector, which guarantee accessibility, participation and permanence of all students.


Accessibility to education, a school for all 2019, granted through a competitive fund of the CSO Norwegian Alliance Mission in Ecuador, with the aim of strengthening the processes of inclusive education of the UEJK.


Playroom 2018, educational development project by Bic Ecuador, implementation of a space for sensory-motor development of boys and girls from 2 to 5 years of age from the Joseph Kentenich Educational Unit.


Storytelling Classroom Implementation Project, cooperation of students from Mount Tabor Nazareth School with the Joseph Kentenich Educational Institution


2016-2017 Cooperation project with the Ministry of Education for the implementation of six specialized education classrooms for 70 students (children and adolescents) with special educational needs associated with disability.

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Project Integral Centers for Good Living CIBV, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Inclusion, care of 170 children from 1 to 3 years old, 5 child care centers for children from 1 to 3 years old, in the sectors of Mapasingue East and West.

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2012 literacy program for low-income children in the new Prosperina sector. This program benefits children between the ages of 7 and 13, the objective being to prepare them in the teaching-learning process, managing to guarantee their reinsertion into school. The literacy program is complemented by nutrition components benefiting families with daily breakfast, medical control and social work.


Project of cooperation with the National Navy and the private company for the development of the commune La Libertad in the islet La Caja, of the Gulf of Guayaquil 2011, Contribution to the development of the island, through the improvement of the conditions of the services of education and health of the population.


Social business 2009 - 2020, co-responsibility of private enterprise in the development of educational programs for children from 1 to 5 years of age, generating opportunities for child development in the communities of Mapasingue East and West.

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Growing up with our children project, contributing to the integral development of 575 children under 5 years old.


Sustento Proyecto

Cultivating Hope 2006-2020, a cooperation project with the Mount Tabor Nazareth School Parents Association.

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Inclusive development project in coordination with Cbm International, training families in the northwestern sectors of the city in entrepreneurship.


In coordination with HIAS, the project ENCUENTRO DE SABORES was developed, with the aim of improving the productive capacities of migrant women.

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No hay texto, si imagen.


Social proyectos

Training in values and skills development aimed at women from vulnerable sectors of the city of Guayaquil, a cooperation project with ANSPAC


Evangelization program, we develop community spaces oriented to faith, taking the word of God to homes in sectors of extreme poverty.


Cooperation project with Cbm International, social management program formed by families of the project of Inclusive Development Based on the Community 2015-2018.


Fortalecimieto Proeyctos

Cooperation project with Misión Alianza Noruega in Ecuador 2015-2020, Program for strengthening the capacities of families of students with special educational needs associated or not with disability.


Cooperation project with Misión Alianza Noruega en Ecuador 2015-2020, Working tables made up of families from the Inclusive Education project, for citizen participation, political incidence, defence and communication of rights.


Cooperation project with Cbm International , Self-help groups made up of families from the Inclusive Community-Based Development project 2006-2018.


Vía Daule Km5, Mapasingue Oeste, Avenida Séptima y Callejón 4.

Telfs: +593 4 201 41 06

+593 4 201 48 86

Cel: 09 922 68 427

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